5 problems of passing the state board of barbering exam

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Barber student studying for barber exam

Barber studying for the barber exam
Barber exam study





5 most common study problems for barber students taking the state board exam and how to beat them

To pass the barbering state board exam avoid these 5 common study problems that many barber students make.

1) Procrastination

2) Organisation

3) Planning

4) Not leaving enough time

5) Too much to do so you put it off 

Procrastination for barber students is one of the biggest contributing factors to lack of success for barbers preparing for their state board exam. Which later can also be seen in their career.  Know that habits can cure  procrastination.  Look its more important to start developing a habit of consistently studying your material. 5-10 minutes daily reading of your barber text book or practicing practice exams. Everyday gradually increasing your study time is a simple way to stay on top of your material.  You will gain the neccessary momentum to be fullied prepared come test day.

Organization is easy for most barbers when it comes to putting their clippers in a box; though when it, comes to studying for the state board exam they struggle. If your using the book or using practice exams in your preparation strategy, organize your efforts. Choose a small achievable goals every study session. Example goal is for my next study session I want to complete one 60 minute practice exam with a score of 60% or better. Example I want to review the section quizzes in the Skin and Scalp disorders chapter of my Barbering Handbook. The key of successful preparation is by  practicing short durations of focus.  

Planning. Really this should be called lack of planning for the barber exam. Come test day you may feel stressed, I sure did both times I took it. Your brain is running through procedures and your mind Is trying to remember everything that you studied. Everything you do, from paying attention to your instructor during class to taking the necessary preparation to make sure you’ve arrived at the test facility on time is part of your planning process. Break out the pen and paper and make a list of required tools for the exam. If you need a Barber exam checklist click the link I need my barber exam checklist for your free copy.

Not leaving enough time. During the written section of your barber exam you will be timed. A common problem is not that students don’t know the material, the big problem is that they’ve never been tested in a timed scenario so they have know idea of a pace they should keep in answering questions. They simply run out of time. I recommend practicing timed exams consistently to develop speed in reading and answering questions.

To much to do so you put it off. You got to work, you have to study, you have to do do do and you do so much you never get around to doing the one thing that can allow you to live our dreams of being a barber  which is preparing for the exam. Look I say this out of love, “be easy” relax into this, you have to walk down this path. You know the importance of this test and the responsibilities that you have so find a way that works for you that you can do consistently. Review your exam materials during your ride into the shop, or when your using the restroom, whenever works best for you. I strongly recommend adding in your study time in the time of day when you feel you have your most energy and are most focused. I prefer mornings for myself but if you want to get the most out of your barber exam study preparation find the time that works best for you.


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