Top tips back injury for barbers
Back injury exercises are your life line to save you from severe back pain and discomfort. Barbering has been and will always be my first love; back injury has threatened my ability to perform my duties as a barber over the last few years. Though it has been highly enjoyable to live a barber’s life it has not been without incident or terrible pain. My barber body has suffered from severe shoulder pain due to receptive movements that now as a result I have no cartilage in my shoulders, arthritis is present throughout my shoulder bones. There has been countless times when raising my comb or clippers to a head caused severe pain. Lower back pain plagued me for years. Being overweight the majority of my career I suffered lots of back pain caused by a combination of bad cutting posture, a weak core and underdeveloped back muscles. Back pain will disappear once you correct and strengthen necessary muscles. Having spent countless hours recuperating from injuries, experiencing limited mobility, and requiring mobility aids like crutches, caste, motorized scooters, and family to help me move around. It’s not only my mission but my responsibility to help current and future barbers get the most out of their careers by being as healthy as possible.
I learned by having arthritis in shoulders, and feet, cartilage loss and inflammation in tendons that caused the sharp pains, stiffness and cramping are very familiar symptoms too many barbers like myself. So, after visiting doctors, physical therapist and reading a lot of articles online and in print, this should help you out with the pain you’re in.
For my complete guide of exercises and stretches click here for special offer to receive your copy of The Uncut Guide To Barber Fitness.
Remember consult with your doctor for health conditions. But for those whom are once like me that have limited or no health insurance this should be very helpful.
Why barbers have back injury?
Top reasons
1: Weight– plain and simple you are carrying around too much weight. Asking our bodies to stand all day supporting a lot of excess weight is very hard on the body. See articles about diet and Fitness for tips to help.
2: Muscles Underdeveloped muscles and lack of flexibility such as core which is huge factor in alleviating back pain. Developing muscles in arms shoulders, neck, for list of pain relieving tips click here.
3: Repetitve movements, can cause a lot of problems because the muscles in the shoulders and neck aren’t designed or trained often for long periods of repetitive motion. Exercise and ice is your best friend to alleviate pain and swelling.
For my complete guide of exercises and stretches click here for special offer to receive your copy of The Uncut Guide To Barber Fitness.
Back injury exercises
Shoulders And Back

Weightless pull back step with bands

For my complete guide of exercises and stretches click here for special offer to receive your copy of The Uncut Guide To Barber Fitness.
Core building exercises
5 Things To Remember About Back Injury :
1. Ice areas of your back daily 10-20 minutes
2. Watch your posture and correct it throughout the day in a relaxed way
3. Bicycling, yoga or some other pain free exercises – NO overhead lifting or exercises that push your shoulders forward like push up
4. Stretch throughout the day
5. Foam Roll before and after work.