Customer service You are entering a field that involves having very close and intimate interaction with individuals. You are...
Must have customer service skills to succeedMust have customer service skills to succeed

Customer service You are entering a field that involves having very close and intimate interaction with individuals. You are...
The Exit Tips and Rules to leaving the Shop Do on to others as you would have them...
Such Crustiness! Crusty: That which is undesirable or below your standards. The shop you work at is the...
Knowing the time to call it a day By Afternoon, the mental and physical fatigue starts to set in....
KEYS TO SUCCESS Remember your clients This is a relationship business; anyone can cut hair, but a barber...
Systems Successful barbering businesses are built upon good systems. A system is a standard way of doing something the...
Insurance Liability Insurance: Any type of insurance policy that protects an individual or business from the risk that they...
How to Get Paid When choosing the barbershop you want to work in, you need to know how the...
Barbering: A Short Introduction Barbering has been around since ancient civilizations. Barbers have been around wherever there was hair...
Love Your Craft Love was put at the very first chapter of this book on barbering, because it is the...