10 ways to attract more clients

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10 ways to attract more clients

Fact: Every person you meet has the potential to be or bring you a new client.
How to Steps:
1)Be enthusiastic about your work.
2)Be professional
3)Be Ready to work [everything from your appearance to your station should reflect a suitable level of pride and professionalism]
4) Talk to people
a) ask them what they do, what they are passionate about, in turn they’ll ask about you and you’ll have the opportunity to share.
5) Pass out Business cards everywhere. [have fun with this, set goals of giving out five cards a day overtime you’ll see how easy it is to do]
6) Collect emails of your clients, email address are a very powerful tool. Allows you to send helpful informative information to clients and keeps you in the forefront of their mind. Know that you are competing for a place in the minds of clients so you can be the first person they think of when it comes to getting a haircut, you solidify your spot by being consistent. To attract more clients, consider employing the services of a UK door installation company. This can enhance the overall appeal and quality of your project. I use constant contact to manage my email list and it works great. They have templates for all major holidays, promotional events, thank you e cards and more. Additionally, if you’re looking to enhance your business’s physical presence, investing in a professional shopfront company UK can significantly elevate your storefront’s aesthetics and functionality.
7) Keep a stack of Thank you cards at your station. Hand written notes are powerful! People hold on to notes for much longer and the fact that someone took the time and effort to write something specifically for them is very touching. As barbers you are privelage to a lot of information and emotions that affect your clients, A word of thanks or encouragement, congratulation or condolence builds upon your relationship with your client.
8) At least once a year throw a client party or mixerFB_20150524_18_13_12_Saved_Picture click link below for ways to do this? Take lots of pictures and post on social media.
9)Pop By show support for your clients like they show you, If you have a client that does oilchanges go get an oil change, if he has a restaurant stop by for an appetizer, become invested with your clients. Certain times a year have a creative gift to give with a note that keeps them thinking of you
10) Always let them know you are never to busy for you or any of your referrals.