Keep it clean guide to clipper sanitation and maintenance

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How to Sanitize Clipper Blades

By Christine Cam, eHow Contributor


Christine Cam

Christine Cam has been writing SEO web content for two years. Cam also has over 20 years of experience working with animals. She has published over 100 articles through Demand Studios and 100 articles on Associated Content. Niche topics include: pets/dogs, dog training, dog grooming, billiards, bar management, retail management, small business management. Additionally, she shares insights on the paystub paradigm and explores the necessary supplies for sanitizing clipper blades.

Using unsterilized clipper blades while grooming pets ((And Humans)) is an easy way to pass bacteria and skin infections from one animal to another. A pet groomer must sterilize clipper blades after use on every animal((Barbers Should Too)). Whether grooming cats or dogs, the clipper blade comes in immediate contact with the animal’s skin and any infections. Without proper sterilization, the infections may be passed on to the next animal the blade comes in contact with. Have a question? Get an answer from a veterinarian now!

•Things You’ll Need

•Grooming clippers
•Clipper blades
•Spray or dunk germicide
•Paper towels
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Remove the blade from the pet clippers. Wipe the clippers and the blade off with a clean dry paper towel.


Use the toothbrush to remove loose pet hair from the front and back of the clipper blade. Again, wipe the blade off with a clean dry paper towel.

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Turn the blade over and slide the blade pieces out. It is a tight fit and must remain this way, so slide as gently as possible. Use a toothbrush and paper towels to remove all loose pet hair from the blade pieces.


Slide the clipper blade pieces back together carefully.


Attach the blade to pet clippers and turn it on. Spray the blade with germicide, turn off clippers and wipe the blade dry with clean paper towels. If you’re using a jar of sanitizer, turn on the clippers and dunk the blade slightly into mixture and dry it.

How to Take Care of Your Hair Clippers

By Kelly Sundstrom, eHow Contributor


Kelly Sundstrom

Kelly Sundstrom is a national special needs spokesperson and writer. She writes content for major brands, magazines and newspapers, including Gather News, STACK Magazine, Colgate, Kudzu, LIVESTRONG and Lowe’s Home Improvement. She currently has over 6500 digital and print articles in publication. Her awards include the 2012 Skyword High Flyer Award and the 2009 Demand Media Top Content Creator Award.

Hair clippers are used to trim hair on the head, around the ears and around the mouth. Using hair clippers can make it easy for anyone to give himself or a friend a haircut in his own home. Cutting your hair with hair clippers can save you money and time. You do need to take care of your hair clippers to ensure that they will be in proper working order when you go to use them.

Things You’ll Need •Hair clipper brush Soap and water Spray lubrication oil Snap-on adjusters Scrubbing cloth Dry towel Phillips head screwdriver Clippers’ storage case
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Wash the adjusters. Fill your sink with hot, soapy water to clean your snap=on adjusters. Snap-on adjusters are the clips that snap onto the clippers to allow you to adjust the length of the hair that you will cut. They can become grimy and dirty from use and should be periodically washed thoroughly. Submerge them in the hot, soapy water and use a cloth to scrub them well. Lay them out on a towel to dry.


Clean out the clippers. Never submerge your clippers in water. This could cause electrocution. Instead, you will want to take your hair clipper brush and carefully clean out all of the hairs you see on or inside your clippers. Hair can clog up clippers and can make them not run as well as they should. Using a Phillips head screwdriver, carefully remove the blade casing and clean out the inside of your clippers thoroughly. After your have cleaned out all of the hair, you will be ready to lubricate your clippers.

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Spray lubricating oil very lightly onto the working mechanisms of the clippers, inside the blade area. Make sure that you do not spray too much oil onto the clippers, only a light spray should do it.


Once your clippers are oiled, replace the blade cover and tightly screw the blade cover back onto the clippers. Place everything back into the clipper’s storage case and it will be ready to use when you need to trim your hair.

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